Finny Kuruvilla
The views expressed by the author are his own and do not necessarily represent the views of Anchor-Cross Publishing
About me
My wife Laura, our six sons, daughter, and I live in the Boston, Massachusetts area. I work with a group called Eventide in socially responsible and values-based investing. In addition, I am the founder and a current board member of Sattler College, a Christian college located in downtown Boston.
I completed a combined MD-PhD program at Harvard Medical School in 2003 (HST Society and the MSTP fellowship). I did my PhD in Harvard's Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology with Stuart Schreiber. After my MD-PhD, I did my residency and fellowship at the Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Next I worked at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT in Medical & Population Genetics where I did research with David Altshuler and Mark Daly.
Because of an interest in signals and systems theory, I did a Masters at MIT with George Verghese who is in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
In 1995 I completed my undergraduate studies at Caltech where I majored in chemistry. My research advisors were John Abelson and Peter Dervan.
I have been a practicing Christian for many years. I fellowship with a church called Followers of the Way. I have a keen interest in biblical interpretation and church history, for the purpose of fostering a strong and vibrant church today. My interests also include ante-Nicene Christianity, Reformation and Anabaptist history, and the Great Awakenings of the eighteenth and nineteenth century.
My personal experience with Christianity
Questions I have wrestled with
Recommended reading on Christianity
Various essays my wife and I have written
Healthy eating and plant-based diets
Some of my favorite quotations